Sunday, January 28, 2024

I wanna be at least almost close to worth your love: FIRST LIE WINS.

First Lie WinsFirst Lie Wins by Ashley Elston
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Very rarely does a popular book live up to the hype, but this was a really good one!

Evie and Ryan seem like a great couple. He's a handsome, wealthy guy whom she lucked out meeting when her car got an unexpected flat tire. On the surface, Evie looks like a nice girl trying to land a great guy. But beyond that, we learn that Evie doesn't actually exist--Ryan just happens to be her latest mark in a long line of jobs. However, her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, has just changed the rules, and things are about to get crazy, fast.

It's best to go into LIES as blind as you can, because this is a wonderful cat and mouse story filled with people playing games with other people. Secrets, twists, and--you guessed it--lies abound! Sure, you have to suspend a little disbelief here and there, but it's worth it, like watching a really fun popcorn action flick. Reading about everyone trying to get the upper hand over everyone else is exciting and suspenseful, as it's pretty much impossible to figure out what will come next!

I loved that this book was different from most of the thrillers I read and that I couldn't work out the story. A thriller that surprises me is a fun, worthy read. 4.5 stars.

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