Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I can't forget the way you looked at me: YERBA BUENA.

Yerba BuenaYerba Buena by Nina LaCour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The lyrical story of two intersecting women, Yerba Beuna is a lovely and quiet read. Sara experiences tragedy young, forcing her to leave behind her hometown and younger brother to seek a safer and better life in Los Angeles. Across the city, Emilie is a slightly lost soul, in her seventh year of undergraduate school. While working at a flower shop, she arranges flowers at an upscale restaurant where she both has an affair with the married owner and runs across Sara, the bartender, with whom she has an instant connection.

Told from both the perspective of Sara and Emilie, we see the world from each of their viewpoints, with special ties to Yerba Buena the restaurant and the flower. Their stories both separate and intertwine, as these two damaged women try to heal and survive. LaCour's prose is beautiful and lyrical, propelled by Sara and Emilie trying to determine if they can move past their pain and choose love. If you enjoy a character-driven story, you'll like this one. 4 stars.

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