Friday, February 23, 2024

You sent my head to spinning, just like a Tilt-A-whirl: EVEN IF IT BREAKS YOUR HEART.

Even If It Breaks Your HeartEven If It Breaks Your Heart by Erin Hahn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Look it's Erin Hahn, just breaking my heart and putting it back together like it's nothing...

Erin Hahn calls this her "sad rodeo" book, and that was definitely true, but it was also a gorgeous love story and a beautiful story about recovering from grief and loss.

Case and Walker grew up best friends, thick as thieves, and working the rodeo circuit together, riding bulls. But all that changed when Walker's chronic illness caught up with him and he died at age 17. Now Case feels adrift in the world without his best friend. Walker leaves behind a list of things he wanted to do--along with items like jumping naked in a pool and winning the buckle on the national rodeo circuit, Case spies "befriend Winnie Sutton." Case never paid much attention to Winnie, who works at his dad's ranch, but knowing that she meant something to Walker changes things.

This book almost made me like horses, which is a huge feat, as I've been scared of them since childhood. But the ranch vibe is lovely, as is Winnie's absolute reverence for the animals with which she works. Winnie's been raising her younger siblings since her Mom split when she was a kid and her Dad checked out. At this point, she can only practice with other people's horses, but she dreams of competitively barrel racing. And dammit, she's good. I fell hard for Winnie, who has the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet remains optimistic and strong for her family. She has no desire to open her heart or depend on anyone and that includes rich, clueless Case.

I love Erin Hahn's writing and she captured Case and Winnie so well. As they slowly open up to each other and start to trust again... it's impossible not to get caught up in their love. There's nothing instant or half baked in this book. The character development is strong, as we watch Winnie struggle to balance family with her own desires and Case attempt to open up after losing his best friend--and figure out what it is he wants to do with his future. If you've ever lost someone you loved and grew up with young, this book will hit hard.

BREAKS perfectly balances dealing with grief with romance. And it expertly mixes in some fun, with the rodeo pieces (and some awesome 90s country references). This is a beautiful and touching story with wonderful characters. 4.5+ stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books in return for an unbiased review.

View all my reviews

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