Thursday, December 21, 2023

Still could manage to smile just takes a while: RESURRECTION WALK.

Resurrection Walk (The Lincoln Lawyer, #7; Harry Bosch Universe, #37)Resurrection Walk by Michael Connelly
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

When Mickey Haller feels the high and joy of getting an innocent man released from prison--the Resurrection Walk--he asks his half-brother, Harry Bosch, to look into the many letters he's receiving from other imprisoned persons begging for Haller to take their cases. Bosch focuses in on Lucinda, a woman in prison for murdering her ex-husband, a sheriff's deputy.

I've been a huge fan of Bosch and Connelly's work for years, leading me to love Haller as well. The Bosch/Haller dynamic here is really exciting to see, with the two teaming up to get Lucinda out of prison. We're reminded at how the pair look at things, especially their cases, in such different ways. Bosch is struggling not to disavow the law enforcement principles he holds so dear, being a former cop himself. Can he defend working for the defense--and stay true to himself? But our beloved Bosch is aging and working for Haller means insurance and access to medical treatment. Honestly, seeing Bosch deal with cancer is still really hard for me; it's watching one of my heroes age and struggle. But the nuanced way we saw Bosch and Haller each depict the evidence found against Lucinda (defense versus law enforcement) was fascinating.

Their pieces are even told differently, with the first person for Mickey and third person for Bosch. It's a little jarring at first, but you get used to it, especially if means having access to both of these greats in the same book. The first half is understandably more Bosch, as he digs in on Lucinda's case and the second more Haller, as we get a bit of a "courtroom" (just a judge this time) thriller. There's nothing much better than Mickey Haller in a courtroom, just like you can't top Harry Bosch digging into the timeline of a complicated case.

There are lots of puzzle pieces to fit together in WALK and plenty to keep you captivated besides our two brothers, but I really do feel the story here is Bosch and Haller. I would love more books with both of these guys. The ending seemed a little ambiguous to Haller's future and with Bosch getting up there... well, let's just say I cherish every moment I still have with these two literary favorites. 4.5 stars.

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