Monday, June 24, 2024

Cause you have filled a space I never knew I had: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.

Satisfaction GuaranteedSatisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

The second book in my "June Pride Reads," SATISFACTION GUARANTEED was absolutely delightful. Focusing on the theme of learning to appreciate yourself--especially through the eyes of others--this is such a feel-good romance. Reserved, practical Cade inherits her aunt's sex toy shop, thrusting her into the orbit of free-spirited Selena, who runs the shop and lives in the cottage behind Cade's aunt's home. Cade quickly realizes the shop is in financial trouble, and she has a short time to turn it around, or Selena loses her job and her home.

I loved that Cade and Selena felt instant attraction but not love-there's a big difference between the two-and it makes the story feel so much more realistic. They have time to develop stronger feelings, and have wonderful slow burn tension and chemistry. Selena's afraid of failure, worried she's a screw-up, and Cade feels she's a boring stick-in-the-mud with no romantic experience, and it's refreshing to see how, to one another, they are amazing. They are backed by a lovable, fun cast of diverse, queer characters and positive messages about appreciating female sexuality and knowing yourself.

Overall, this is a fun-spirited romance with some great messages. 4.5 stars.

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