Thursday, May 23, 2024

I dream in shades of green and gray and gold: THE PROSPECTS.

The ProspectsThe Prospects by K.T. Hoffman
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Somehow this book is a debut, which is flabbergasting, because it's pretty freaking amazing. It's an ode to America's pastime featuring characters that America doesn't always want to embrace. Well too bad, because the characters of THE PROSPECTS are wonderful, complicated, and not-at-all one-dimensional. They are portrayed as actual humans (*gasp*) and not just queer stereotypes.

Gene is such a great character: a trans baseball player in the minor leagues, with dreams of making it big. Gene is adorable. He is sweet, funny, optimistic, smart, and learning to navigate the world as a gay man. Thankfully, he has his teammate, aging pitcher and Team Dad Vince, plus Vince's husband, to help him navigate the baseball world. But nothing can prepare him for the arrival of Luis, a former teammate, rival, and crush, to his beloved Beaverton Beavers.

Luis may rival Gene for adorableness--Hoffman writes his anxiety into the story so beautifully, and it's impossible not to fall in love with them both. The story is about hope and wanting, following your dreams, and the people we find along the way. Found family is so important here. Baseball plays such a vital role in the story: its highs and lows, its transient nature, and the optimism required to play successfully. I love a good sports romance and THE PROSPECTS balances both perfectly.

The book feels just a bit long at times and one conflict felt forced/repetitive, but overall this is such a great story. It's so important and filled with such vibrant, realistic LGBTQIAP+ characters. 4.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House in return for an unbiased review.

View all my reviews

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