Wednesday, May 15, 2024

We always caught each other when we'd fall: A HAPPY CATASTROPHE.

A Happy CatastropheA Happy Catastrophe by Maddie Dawson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Despite its somewhat happy title, A HAPPY CATASTROPHE covers serious topics and delves into the dark places of relationships. It's also the second in a series with reoccurring characters; I didn't read the first book and while I figured this one out, I think I would have enjoyed this more if I had known all the backstory. Marnie and Patrick get a bit of "surprise" from the past in the form of Fritzie. This both hurts and overjoys Marnie, because she's yearning to be a mom, and makes life difficult for Patrick, who is a very closed off person.

Fritzie is a delight, if a somewhat cliched precocious child, but even her situation is depressing, as she's left behind by her mother. She's still a funny, spunky kid and her journey was probably my favorite. Patrick has justifiable reasons for his emotional damage, but is an incredibly frustrating individual. The book focuses on the message that life has a way of working out, and while that's a wonderful thought, it perhaps gives a little too much credence to the "ways of the universe" and positive thinking versus acknowledging that sometimes life can be unfair, and you know, maybe a person could just use a little therapy. 3 stars.

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