Saturday, May 25, 2024

The bridges that I burned and the trains I didn't catch: DAUGHTER OF MINE.

Daughter of MineDaughter of Mine by Megan Miranda
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This felt more like classic Megan Miranda--a taunt page-turner that keeps you reading until the end. Hazel returns to her hometown upon her father's death and is surprised to learn that he, the town's beloved Sheriff, left her (and only her) his house on the lake. This does not go over well with her brothers, Caden and Gage, who now serve in the local force as well. His death literally brings up the past, when a drought unearths two cars in the nearby lake.

DAUGHTER relies on the oft-used trope of someone returning to their hometown, always a small town where everyone knows your business, to try to puzzle out a crime on their own. Miranda does a good job with the material though, building up suspense while slowly revealing more details. The story is dark and atmospheric. Hazel tended to pontificate a bit much for my taste, but I enjoyed how the book delved into the twisted world of family ties and secrets. Hazel is scarred by her mom leaving her behind as a teen, and mother issues permeate the tale. It gets a little wild at the end, but I was along for the ride.

This is a tense and suspenseful tale for those who love small town thrillers. 3.75 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Simon Element / Marysue Rucci Books in return for an unbiased review.

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