Wednesday, January 18, 2023

All the years seemed to take up air : THE BLACK KIDS.

The Black KidsThe Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Ashley is a senior in high school grappling with college admissions and the fact that she feels like she's drifting apart from her best friends, whom she's known since she was a little kid. Then four police officers are acquitted in the brutal beating of Rodney King and the riots begin. As one of the few "black kids" at her school, she feels acutely affected by the violence unfolding around her. It forces her to take a step back and truly take in the world around her.

This was an amazing read. It offers an honest and moving examination of racism, friendship, and class. But it's also Ashley's story and how she's trying to find herself, just like any teen. Her parents have worked hard to shield her from the world, but there's only so much protection parents can provide. The way the book covers historic events through the prism of Ashley's eyes is really unique, and honestly, quite educational for me, as I was young when the riots hit and should have spent more time learning about them when I was older.

This is a beautiful story (the writing is gorgeous) and it covers such important topics. I was completely immersed in THE BLACK KIDS. 4.5 stars.

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