Wednesday, July 31, 2024

You can look into her eyes and live forever: SAVOR IT.

Savor ItSavor It by Tarah DeWitt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So this was a surprisingly cute romance. It is nothing revolutionary but the banter is witty and there's plenty of good chemistry between our leads, Fisher, a disgraced chef, and Sage, beloved in the small town of Spunes, Oregon. When Fisher and his teenage niece Indy wind up in Spunes for the summer, they live across from Sage, and she and Fisher quickly bond. All the makings for a pleasing romance!

Sage is adored in Spunes, but she's having a rough go of it, having suffered recent heartbreak. She's thrilled to hit it off with Fisher, but he's on borrowed time, with plans to only reside in Spunes for the summer. Fisher is, of course, going through his own issues, since losing his cushy NYC job, and dealing with raising Indy after her mom's death.

Despite the serious undertones, there are plenty of laugh out loud moments. This book is really darn funny. Sage is completely engaging and easy to love, but so is Fisher. It was refreshing to have a romance told from both partners' points of view. It was nice to know what both Fisher and Sage were thinking and to watch their bond grow.

SAVOR IT is a cute ode to small town life, even as Fisher and Indy fight against the charms of such life. Much of it centers around Spunes' annual festival and it feels like a Hallmark holiday movie come to life, just set in the summer. Everything is quaint, humorous, and sweet. I was impressed by this story overall; it was an enjoyable romance. 4 stars.

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Griffin and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

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