Monday, July 29, 2024

These days have made a change in me: BETTER LEFT UNSENT.

Better Left UnsentBetter Left Unsent by Lia Louis
My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

The premise of this has promise: Millie keeps all her true thoughts (rants to her boss, real opinions about her BFF's husband, reviews on poor vacation experiences, feelings about her parents, responses to crushes) in her email drafts. It helps her release stress. The system works well until one day a server error at work releases all the drafts at once, sending the emails off to their quite surprised (and sometimes angry) recipients.

When you dive into this more, it seems flimsy. Who would write these sorts of things at work?! Why would you actually put the recipient's email address in the To line of the draft?! It makes more sense when you meet Millie, who, honestly, is a bit of an idiot and comes across as a clueless doormat, making it too hard to root for her. She's suffering from a breakup several years ago with Owen, who still works at her company, and one of her emails threatens to end Owen's current engagement. Millie's inability to recognize that Owen is a complete psychopath is incredibly frustrating. Her endless focus on her emails may be even more frustrating. Her relationship with Jack, her love interest, has little pep, as they barely have any scenes together. It's a shame, because Jack is funny and the two have good chemistry. There's also a side plot with Millie's parents that seems completely unnecessary.

I love Lia Louis' books and there was some fun in this one, but overall, it didn't work for me. 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Atria/Emily Bestler Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

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