Thursday, July 18, 2024

I'll keep my hands warm in your pockets: WHEN YOU SMILE.

When You SmileWhen You Smile by Melissa Brayden
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

This is one of those really cheesy stories that you need sometimes to cheer you up. This is not the best written romance ever (there's a lot of stilted writing and an emphasis on telling versus showing), but it's still a really cute story that you cannot help but get caught up in. Taryn finally heads off to do her last two years of college away from home--living in a dorm for the first time--and giving herself a chance to fully identify as lesbian to someone other than her parents. Imagine her surprise when she comes across her former babysitter Charlie on campus. She adored Charlie back in the day, but she moved away, and Taryn never saw her again; now Charlie's in graduate school, juggling teaching, MFA classes, and writing--and her longtime boyfriend.

The slow burn chemistry between Charlie and Taryn may be the best part here. They get to know each other instead of just falling into bed. Much of this story is a sort of coming out/coming of age for both characters, as Taryn finally gets a chance to explore her sexuality and Charlie must question hers. It certainly took me back to my days of being a new, baby lesbian in college.

Overall, it's a pretty straightforward lesbian romance, and the villains are set up quite clearly. There's nothing earth shattering here, or any major character development, but maybe it was the college setting, or just Taryn and Charlie's innate sweetness; I couldn't help but fall for them and their story. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Bold Strokes Books, Inc. and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

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