Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Every line on your face tells a story somebody knows: THE CLIFFS.

The Cliffs: A novelThe Cliffs: A novel by J. Courtney Sullivan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very interesting read, albeit quite long and meandering at times

In the world of thrillers and viral hits, THE CLIFFS is not that book. It's a slow burner that takes its time to delve into its characters and their history, looking deep into the people associated with one particular home and the nearby area. You will not fly through its pages (though it's compelling) or have any big shocking twists (though there are certainly surprises), but if you keep with the story, you will be rewarded with a complex and rich narrative that spans centuries, connecting our characters in fascinating ways and exploring the complicated facets of how the past influences the present.

There are parts of THE CLIFFS that feel too long, as if a history lesson has lasted into another class period, and it can be hard to warm up to Jane, the main protagonist. The story is told from the point of view of various female characters, jumping around in time, but Jane gets the most screen time. They are all tied together by the house and land, but at times, I found myself wishing for more time with our characters older (in time period, not age) than Jane or other modern narratives. Jane's treatment of those around her--even with her alcoholism--was tough to stomach. A female-centric story that still focused so much on Jane pining for her estranged husband was difficult, as well.

There are so many interconnected stories here and the exploration of indigenous people and history is excellent. Sullivan does a great job of exploring motherhood and the idea if one can feel whole without being a mother. The themes of loss and grief run deeply in this story. While I wished there were a few more ghosts in this book (we get one early appearance!) and it felt long at times, it's beautifully written and a wonderful examination of legacies and the passing down of histories and secrets.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Knopf in return for an unbiased review. Look for THE CLIFFS on 07/16/2024!

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