Thursday, July 25, 2024

At this point there's a history that keeps you from growing too old: THE GUNCLE ABROAD.

The Guncle Abroad (The Guncle, #2)The Guncle Abroad by Steven Rowley
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Honestly, it's so lovely to be back with the characters from THE GUNCLE. Maisie and Grant are growing up! They're 14 and 11 now, respectively, and none too pleased that their Dad, Greg, is getting married to a wealthy, Italian woman, Livia. In comes Gay Uncle Patrick "GUP" again, this time to take the kids on an European tour and a quest to learn about love. His deal: if they don't understand why their dad wants to marry Livia by the end of their trip, he'll talk to Greg about the marriage.

"But his mission was clear nonetheless. He would teach these kids about love, how to love others, and how to be loved in return."

Even abroad, Patrick still has his same acerbic wit, laced with his deep underlying love for his niblings. Said nibs are still precious, even while growing (no more lisp for Grant, sniff, sniff), especially with Maisie a teenager, learning to see the world more clearly and how it can cruelly treat women and leave them behind. The story shows, yet again, how Patrick is both ill-equipped and yet the perfect person to teach the kids how hard it is to trust again after losing someone. His rivalry with Livia's sister (the kids lesbian aunt, or Launt) was a bit much, but otherwise this was about pitch perfect.

At its heart, this is a tender and lovely book about grief, moving on but not forgetting, and learning to love again. I would read about Patrick, Maisie, and Grant's story over and over. 4.5 stars.

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