Saturday, July 27, 2024

What I have is a gift of life I can't repeat: THE HUSBANDS.

The HusbandsThe Husbands by Holly Gramazio
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

My favorite thing about Book of the Month (BOTM) is finding books like THE HUSBANDS, which I'd probably never pick up otherwise. It has a refreshing and unique premise; it was nice to have something different to read. When the very single Lauren comes home from a night with friends, she finds someone in her home: apparently he's her husband, Michael. This is backed up by photos in her home/on her phone, messages with friends, and more. Then Michael goes up in her attic and when he comes down, he's someone else--another husband--and Lauren's life slightly alters to encompass the new spouse. Each and every time.

This was hard to put down, as the story is totally engaging, with Lauren cycling through husbands at an often rapid clip. In some ways, this is a romance, but it's really a journey of self-exploration. As the many husbands come out of the attic, Lauren deals with so many thoughts: is she crazy? And, how picky is she? How do you, in fact, wind up with the person you love? How do we frame who we love, especially when we have more agency and choice in the matter.

The story drags a bit in the middle with the endless parade of husbands, but it's still quite fascinating. It's a personal story, and a bit mysterious, as Lauren tries to puzzle out why this is happening to her. Answering the questions of what you want in life and learning to accept what you have are central here, but this is also a witty and insightful story that keeps you reading. 4.5 stars

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