Monday, September 30, 2024

But safe only gets you so far: NORA GOES OFF SCRIPT.

Nora Goes Off ScriptNora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very, very rarely will I read a book by an author right after reading one of their previous works, but I loved Annabel Monaghan's SAME TIME NEXT SUMMER so much that I read NORA GOES OFF SCRIPT shortly after. It was just as enjoyable, and now I'm addicted!

After her worthless husband leaves, Nora writes a script about their failed marriage. Her script is picked up by Hollywood and famous (and handsome) actor Leo Vance plays her ex-husband, Ben, in the movie version, part of which is being filmed at Nora's house. After filming, Leo asks to stay in town a few extra days (at Nora's house no less) and he and Nora fall in love.

This is such a cute, fun fluffy romance. I love how Monaghan can take a romantic comedy formula (famous actor falls for regular mom, then there's a misunderstanding) and make it engaging and charming. Nora's such a realistic mom of two, beleaguered after years of putting up with her ex, but she's engaging and tough, too. Leo is certainly a spoiled celebrity, but has an endearing side, and he excels at charming the small town, especially when he helps with Nora's son's school play. The jerk, in fact, is Nora's ex, who makes you want to murder him with your bare hands.

This is a fast read, totally breezy and enjoyable, which just makes you smile.

View all my reviews

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