Monday, September 02, 2024

Most of the summer feels like fall: THIS SUMMER WILL BE DIFFERENT.

This Summer Will Be DifferentThis Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Lucy's roommate and closest friend, Bridget, has talked up Prince Edward Island for years. She invites Lucy to visit; when she arrives, she meets a handsome local, Felix, and they spend a magical evening together. Until Bridget gets there and Lucy realizes that Felix is actually Bridget's brother, "Wolf,"--the one person she promised Bridget she'd never get involved with.

Lucy visits the island with Bridget every year, but no matter how much she studiously avoids Felix, they are always drawn together. When Bridget summons Lucy to the island a week before her wedding--an uncharacteristic move for Bridget--Lucy goes, despite how busy she is with work. But Bridget won't reveal why she's dragged Lucy out there, and Felix has no idea either.

The romance part of this book: excellent! Lucy and Felix's forbidden romance was tantalizing, with a smoldering chemistry between the two. Bridget and Lucy's friendship: frustrating! Bridget's unwillingness to say why she brought out Lucy, who is stressed beyond belief with work, was not cute or funny but incredibly irritating!

Communication was the name of the game, here. Bridget, just tell your friend the truth. Lucy, just tell Bridget that you love her brother. So much time spent worrying about what each other would think. In many ways, SUMMER is a story of friendship just as much as it is of romance, but these friendships are not always healthy, as much as Bridget and Lucy care for one another.

The story is told in a back and forth format, with present-day Lucy dealing with Bridget's crisis and her own work stresses, and then the past, recalling all her times on the island, especially with Felix. We see how their relationship has grown, even in secret, and Lucy's own personal development. Prince Edward Island sits as a beautiful backdrop, providing a gorgeous setting for Lucy and Felix.

Overall, I found the island setting charming and really enjoyed Lucy and Felix; some of the other plotlines were frustrating, but this was still a fun read. 3.5 stars.

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