Friday, September 13, 2024

I never mean to do bad things to you: DEAR HANNA.

Dear HannaDear Hanna by Zoje Stage
My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Much like BABY TEETH, I left DEAR HANNA wishing for more. There's nothing wrong with this book, per se, but it also seems like nothing really happens, though our protagonist (antagonist?) Hanna tries. All grown up, with the childhood attempts at murdering her Mommy in the past, Hanna is now married to Jacob, a man 20-ish years her senior with a pre-teen daughter. Jacob does not know much about Hanna's past, just that her brother, Gustav "Goose" is now in a boarding school, just like Hanna was as a child. Hanna feels safe with Jacob and Joelle, his daughter, until Joelle grows into a teenager and her decisions threaten the small life Hanna's made for herself. Hanna returns to her old habits, attempting to control the behavior and outcomes of the people around her--no matter the cost.

The problem is, so much of what Hanna does is predictable, or rather lame, not scary. Yes, she's a sociopath, but not an effective one. We get a look into grown up Hanna's psyche and that's about it--lots of thoughts and ponderings. The chapters where Hanna exchanges letters with her brother are actually more interesting, as she often says what she really thinks to her own sibling.

HANNA looks into the dynamics of motherhood and marriage, exploring both Hanna's past and her present, and, of course, highlights the perils of untreated mental illness. We see how far someone can go to convince others that they are fine (and how easily we may want to believe it). Some of the book is creepy, and there's a twist or two, but mostly it's rather simple and predictable. 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer in return for an unbiased review.

View all my reviews

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