Monday, September 16, 2024

No one wants to see the cracks the make-up doesn’t hide: THE WEDDING PEOPLE.

The Wedding PeopleThe Wedding People by Alison Espach
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Phoebe arrives at the fancy Cornwall Inn with plans to kill herself. She quickly realizes she's the only guest there not attending the wedding of Lila, "the bride," and her husband-to-be, Gary. When Lila finds out Phoebe's plans, she freaks out and tells her she cannot ruin her wedding plans. As the two talk, Phoebe finds herself caught up in Lila's intricate seven-day wedding extravaganza, including Lila's family.

What follows is a thoughtful story about grief, admitting to one's faults, and learning to love yourself. The characters are nuanced and flawed, filled with sadness and calamities. Phoebe is broken after a divorce, while Lila is grieving the loss of her father. The setting is atmospheric and oozes a wealthy seaside vibe. Lila's various family members are engaging, charming, and interesting.

The only reason this is not a 5-star read for me is that while, overall, it deals with sadness and depression fairly well, it feels like Phoebe's suicidal desires are pushed to the side rather easily. Getting over a deep depression and suicide attempt is not as easy as meeting a chatty bride and falling for her family, even if they are pretty cool.

Still, this is a unique and lovely novel. I fell for the characters and was immediately caught up in Phoebe and Lila's stories.

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