Wednesday, September 18, 2024

We could go back, rewind and play it again: SIDELINED.

SidelinedSidelined by Suzanne Baltsar
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a simplistic but fun sports romance about a female high school football coach and the (male) Offensive Coordinator who resents her. Charlie, the daughter of a well-known college coach, wants to be known for her coaching skills on her own terms, so she seeks a job as a high school football coach. This angers the town and the team, and their OC, Connor McGuire, who was sure the head coach spot was his.

There's a lot of "oh my gosh she's a woman, look at her curves and body but really I'm not mad she got the job because she's a woman, just because I deserved it more" whining in the beginning, but we eventually push past this for a fairly charming and quick read.

Charlie is a fun protagonist--she knows her stuff as a football coach; it's the rest of life (female friendships, dating) where she struggles. Once Connor gets his head out of his rear, he's likable enough; he's dealing with recovering from an old ex and needing to open up. The story gets progressively better as we get to know our couple, along with their shared group of friends.

The writing isn't always the crispest, but the story illustrates the inequality women face when battling men in the same fields and the struggles women like Charlie face in a male-dominated field: even when they are better than the men around them. I always love a book with a good sports backdrop, and high school football is fun, especially as Charlie's team tries to win states.

There's some witty banter between Charlie and Connor and a bit of sexual tension, but this is a very PG romance. We see both Charlie and Connor grow a bit as people, root for the local team, and get to enjoy our feisty couple.

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