Friday, September 20, 2024

You got me falling in love again: SAME TIME NEXT SUMMER.

Same Time Next SummerSame Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this story to be delightful!

In a total romance mood, I followed the crowds and picked up a book by Annabel Monaghan. I'm so glad I did! Sam and Wyatt met at the beach as children, fell in love in their teens, and were then pulled apart by family circumstances. Sam's heart broke, and she's barely been back to the beach since. Now, they find themselves together again, when Sam returns to her family's beach house to plan her wedding to her fiance, Jack.

Sam's changed since her summers at the beach. She's shaping herself into what Jack needs and wants: a predictable, buttoned-up person who works in human resources. But being back--and seeing Wyatt-reminds her of carefree summer days, racing in the ocean, searching for shells, painting in her room, and falling in love for the first time.

We learn about Sam and Wyatt's romance through flashbacks that perfectly capture the intensity of their young love and how it shaped them into the people they are today. We see how and why Sam changed, and why Wyatt is the perfect specimen he is now. Wait, did I say that out loud?

The beach setting is gorgeous, Sam and Wyatt have wonderful chemistry, and there's a freaking treehouse where Wyatt plays guitar. Sure, there's nothing wild here, it's mostly predictable, but that's what we need in a romance sometimes--something comforting, fun, and sweet that leaves you feeling happy and content at the end. 4+ stars.

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